ATG Clinical Laboratory Genetics

High Specialization



Maximum Reliability


ATG – Access To Genome is a network of laboratories of genetics and specialized laboratory medicine that operate with very high quality and reliability specifications and international certifications.

Utilizing and integrating the latest scientific and technological developments in the field of diagnostic medicine, combined with well-trained and experienced scientific staff and state of the art- biomedical equipment, guarantees maximum reliability and speed in all its services.


Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

Its sensitivity is very high (> 98%) and can be performed in pregnancies from 9 weeks

Μη Επεμβατικός Προγεννητικός Έλεγχος ATG

It is a new, innovating approach, which estimates the risk of presence of specific frequent genetic syndromes, such as Down syndrome, with greater reliability than conventional biochemical methods performed in blood of pregnant women.